Life to Eagle Scout Rank Process

From the time a Scout passes his Life Scout Board of Review, he may begin to complete the requirements for the Eagle Scout Rank. These requirements include completing any of the outstanding 21 merit badges needed for the rank, serving in a position of responsibility in the unit, as well as being active in their Troop for a period of 6 months. Only, and only after achieving the Rank of Life Scout must plan, develop, and give leadership in a service project of your choice.

All requirements for the Eagle Rank, including the service project and Scoutmaster conference, MUST BE COMPLETED before the applicant’s 18th birthday. The Board of Review may be held after the applicant’s 18th birthday under some circumstances; please call the local office to discuss your options.

Download – Eagle Scout Workbook

As part of the requirements for the Eagle Scout Rank, the Scout must plan, develop, and give leadership to a project of their choice and design. This project plan must be approved by the Troop’s Committee, project beneficiary, and then sent to the council for final approval.

Life Scout’s cannot start working the project until all parties have approved the project with signatures. The Leatherstocking Council Advancement Committee has developed a “Life to Eagle” checklist and set of guidelines to ensure the project proposal meets the standards set for a meaningful project.

Life to Eagle Guide 2025

Official Fillable Eagle Scout Application

This link is for a “blank” Eagle Application form. It would be best to get your Eagle Application

Directly from the Scoutbook Program. That program will auto populate nearly all items needed on the form.

A sample of this document is noted in the Article Attachment section below.


Eagle Scout Rank Application, – An Eagle Application report is available in the “Scoutbook” Program. It is available on the Scout Reports menu to anyone with a Full Access connection to the Scout, or by the Scout themselves (if they were set up).

The report is the official BSA Eagle Application. It is an editable PDF, filled in with information contained in Scoutbook, including merit badges, leadership positions, and various dates. It must be downloaded to your computer before editing. The Scout should make sure that all information is correct, and to complete all other required information on the application.

Reference Letters & the Letter of Ambition

The required “Reference Letters” noted on your Eagle Scout Application need to be received at the Council Office prior to your Eagle Board of Review meeting. Personally contact four individuals whom you wish to include as references on your Eagle Scout Rank Application. These may be Scout leaders, teachers, employers, coaches, other Scouts, etc. References do not need to be 21 or older. Parents and other relatives are strongly discouraged from serving as references. The current unit leader and committee chair are not eligible to serve as references; their signature on the application is their endorsement.
Please send these letters out when you are starting your Eagle Project approval process. The sooner these are distributed the better.
A “Statement of Ambition” is also required as noted in our “Life to Eagle Guide” checklist section 10. Details of this item can be found here “Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose”

Advancement Team & Meeting Nights

Scouts shall be in class A uniform for all project meetings and Boards of Review!




Adirondack Foothills District

Powderhorn District

Susquehanna Headwaters District


Lester Ropeter

George Schmit

Bill Babbage


3rd Tuesday

4th Monday

3rd Friday

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